About us


ROADBOOKERS is a community site made by travellers for itinerant travellers who want to explore the world and prepare a trip.

We are neither a booking agency nor a tour operator nor a merchant site. We do not offer any commercial transactions remotely and we do not charge any service fees to users of our site.

We are just passionate travelers who want to allow everyone to simplify the Organization of their next adventure.


Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just looking for inspiration, you've always spent hours on the Web to find out before you leave. Between travel blogs, tourist guides, weather sites, Wikipedia... It is not the information that is missing, quite the opposite!

Conclusion, our screen is often saturated with applications : mutliple tabs, map, weather, images, text editor, even spreadsheets for the bravest who want to set a budget... Not to mention the fact that if you go with friends, you have to satisfy everyone's desires on what to see or do...

In short, preparing for a trip can be a real nightmare! Being ourselves travelers, we have tried to create an application to centralize all these informations and to make it available in an integrated, simplified, and hopefully friendly interface!


In summary, ROADBOOKERS is your companion for

  • Explore the world and find out about your next destination
    • Find a destination according to your specific needs (month of departure, your desires of the moment...)
    • Consult practical information about a destination (tourist attraction, places of interest, best time to visit,...)
    • Discover and save points of interest for a destination
  • Prepare your trip and build your custom itinerary with your friends
    • starting from scratch or by re-using a route published by the community of roadbookers
    • by completing your tour by adding the places on the fly with our interactive map
    • by discovering the offers of our partners (accommodation, activities...)
  • Create and share with the community your personalized travelogue and much more...

We will certainly not respond to the need of all but we sincerely hope to help you plan your next adventure. If you have any suggestions to improve the application, feel free to contact us.